About Us
Recovery Branches is a network of social resources reaching out to those in search of avenues for recovery, providing paths to follow based on areas of interest: Exercise, health, sports, music, art, poetry, writing, spiritual development…as the network grows, new branches emerge.
Recovery Branches was founded by Don Fertman to help those struggling with addiction to find avenues to recovery and to assist the organizations that support them in their expansion efforts. Don is the Chief Development Officer for Franchise World Headquarters. Since joining the franchisor in 1981, Don has seen the company grow from 166 restaurants at the time he began his career to well over 40,000 units in over countries today.
Don took his last drink on June 6, 1983. He speaks openly about his journey to recovery and was on the CBS TV show “Undercover Boss” twice where he discussed his alcoholism publicly. He also participated in a documentary about the Recovery Movement, “The Anonymous People”, which has been screened around the country. Don is also a Board Member of Phoenix Multisport.

"In April, 2012, at the suggestion of a good friend who had a connection with Native American spirituality, I took a walk in the woods of northern Virginia. I had no idea what I was looking for, nor what I would find."

"Less than 50 yards into the forest, I came across the most unusual tree I had ever seen. It had branches that, instead of reaching upward and outward, grew at skewed angles to each other, crooked, asymmetrical and totally imperfect. I felt drawn to this tree and having no clue what to do next, I simply walked up and put my hands against the bark, closing my eyes and clearing my mind.
What came to me was the idea that everyone is on a different path to the same joyous goal - recovery in whatever shape or form that might take, or whatever "branch" that might be. I cleared my mind again, felt the sun coming down through the twisted branches, and opened my eyes. As I looked up, a hawk glided silently by, reminding me that my friend who had suggested this moment of meditation had the Indian name of Red Hawk.
And at that moment, it came to me...Recovery Branches on the twisted tree, opening to our individual and collective pathways to recovery."